Bell Mountain Village and Care Center, Idaho
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Residents move into Bell Mountain Village
Posted: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 4:00 am by Greg Moore
Idaho Mountain Express
Express photo by Willy Cook…Hannah Ginsberg was one of 21 residents of the old Bell Mountain skilled-nursing facility, formerly Blaine Manor, in Hailey who moved into a new four-building complex in Bellevue on Friday.
Hannah Ginsberg was one of 21 residents of the old Bell Mountain skilled-nursing facility, formerly Blaine Manor, in Hailey who moved into a new four-building complex in Bellevue on Friday.
The 21 people living at the Bell Mountain skilled-nursing home in Hailey were moved to Safe Haven Health Care’s new facility in Bellevue on Friday.
Phil Hardy, vice president of Strategies 360, a public relations firm hired by Safe Haven to help with the move, said everything went well.
“As far as we could see, everyone was very pleased,” he said.
Hardy said several staff members were brought from other Safe Haven facilities to help with the move.
Called Bell Mountain Village, the new 32-bed skilled-nursing and 16-bed assisted-living facility is tucked against the hills at the northeastern corner of Bellevue. Each of the three Old West-style, wood-sided buildings has a central kitchen and gathering area lit by high windows, with residential rooms around the perimeter. The facility includes a therapy center with a warm treadmill-exercise pool.
“It’s a lovely facility, and I think it’s great that we have it out here,” said resident Hannah Ginsberg.
Another resident, Steve Hardy, said the new facility is much brighter than the old Blaine Manor building in Hailey.
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare spokeswoman Niki Forbing-Orr said the facility was cleared for occupancy following an inspection on Tuesday, Feb. 24.
Two of the buildings at the complex are for skilled-nursing patients and one is for assisted-living residents. During a county commissioners meeting Tuesday, Safe Haven CEO Scott Burpee said the assisted-living building will be ready for occupancy in about three weeks.
Under a contract with Blaine County, Safe Haven obtained a no-cost, one-year lease at Blaine Manor ending Sept. 30, 2014, after which time it was to have its new facility in Bellevue open. If it did not vacate the building by the deadline, the Pocatello-based company agreed to pay the county $2,000 per month in rent for the next two months and $10,000 per month thereafter, as an incentive to complete Bell Mountain Village on schedule.
Since September, Commissioner Angenie McCleary has advocated that the county enforce the rental provisions of the contract, while Commissioners Larry Schoen and Jacob Greenberg advised a more lenient approach, saying the provisions were intended as a motivator rather than a revenue raiser, and Safe Have appeared to be acting in good faith to finish construction as soon as possible.
According to County Clerk JoLynn Drage, Safe Haven paid $4,000 for the October and November rent in January. Following an executive session during a commissioners meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 24, at which Schoen was absent, McCleary and Greenberg directed the Clerk’s Office to send out an invoice for $30,000 to collect rent for December through February. Drage said in an interview that she did so and will send a second invoice for a prorated portion of the March rent.
Now that the old Blaine Manor building at 706 S. Main St. in Hailey has been vacated, a process has been initiated toward selling it. County Administrator Derek Voss said he will send out requests for proposals to potential appraisers, and he expects an appraisal to be done by mid-May. He said the county commissioners will then have to decide whether to put the building up for auction or to sell it by some other method.
Link to article:
Opening Ceremony Showcases New Bellevue Nursing Facility
Wood River Journal – Idaho Mountain Express – January 28, 2015
Residents to move into Bell Mountain Village next month – by Greg Moore
Though residents won’t be moving in for another two or three weeks, a grand opening ceremony at the Safe Haven Bell Mountain Village on Saturday gave local citizens a chance to view the four sun-drenched buildings that make up the senior-care complex at the northeastern corner of Bellevue.
The new 32-bed skilled-nursing and 16-bed assisted-living facilities include a therapy center with a warm treadmill-exercise pool. Each of the Old West-style, wood-sided buildings has a central kitchen and gathering area lit by high windows, with residential rooms around the perimeter.
The day’s events included a ribbon-cutting ceremony with remarks from Blaine County Commissioner Larry Schoen, as well as food served by local Kiwanis Club members.
While touring the facility, Hailey resident Scott Nicholson said he was excited that his 93-year-old grandmother will soon be able to make the move from the former Blaine Manor, the county’s skilled-nursing facility in Hailey that was taken over by Safe Haven, which he said was dark and worn out in comparison. The new facility, he said, is “a lot better.”
Management of Blaine Manor was transferred from the county to Pocatello-based Safe Haven Health Care in October 2013, until it moved the patients there to its new facility, then under construction. The skilled-nursing portion of the new facility is completed, though the assisted-living area is not.
“There are a couple of rough edges that need to be finished. Other than that, things are right on track,” company CEO Scott Burpee said.
Burpee said the facility’s policies and procedures are under review by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare before it issues a skilled-nursing facility license. He said the review is to ensure that the policies meet federal standards for receipt of Medicare and Medicaid payments. He said patients will be moved from Blaine Manor as soon as the license is issued.
Letti Corrales, the company’s social services and admissions director, said 21 patients will be moved from Blaine Manor, and at least 20 more people are on a waiting list for the 32 new skilled-nursing beds. Corrales said 15 people have applied for admission to the assisted-living portion of the new facility.
Physical therapist Donna Alfs showed off the new therapy and exercise room with obvious enthusiasm.
“It’s going to be exciting,” she said. “It’s going to give people access to updated equipment.”
A warm-water pool with a treadmill is one of the pieces of equipment designed to help people with lower-body injuries get walking again.
“These are the tools to progressively get a person back to their maximum potential,” she said. “I think it’s going to be so uplifting for the residents to have a room with so much sun and a view.”
Alfs said the exercise facilities will also be open to anyone with a doctor’s prescription for their use.
Contact Information
For more information, please contact Melissa Ourada at 208.220.8606 or [email protected].
Bell Mountain Village and Care Center is Located at 620 N. 6th Street, Bellevue, ID 83313
Bellevue Assisted Living is Located at 314 S. 7th Street, Bellevue, ID 83313 – call to see which one is right for you.
Bell Mountain Village and Care Center
Room Type | # of Rooms | Monthly Rate |
Basic Suite | 4 | $3,400 |
Deluxe Suite | 4 | $3,600 |
2 Bedroom Suite – single room – will likely have a suite mate if single | 4 | $2,900 |
2 Bedroom Suite – single room – will likely have a suite mate if single | 4 | $3,100 |
If a single person wants to rent the entire 2 bedroom suite (rooms C and D), we will charge $5000.00 per month.
If a married couple wants to rent the entire 2 bedroom suite (rooms C and D), we will charge $6000.00 per month.
To hold a room for someone, we must charge and collect a $500.00 nonrefundable deposit. This deposit will NOT be applied to first or last month rent. It is a room prep deposit that is charged for all private pay residents. Only those who have paid the deposit will be ensured a room at the time of opening.
Rate Sheet: Skilled Nursing
Room Type | # of Rooms | Daily Rate |
Basic Suite | 8 | $250 |
Deluxe Studio Suite | 8 | $260 |
2 Bedroom Suite – single room – will likely have a suite mate if single | 8 | $250 |
2 Bedroom Suite – single room – will likely have a suite mate if single | 8 | $250 |
If a single person wants to rent the entire 2 bedroom suite (rooms C and D), we will charge $425.00 per day.
If a married couple wants to rent the entire 2 bedroom suite (rooms C and D), we will charge $510.00 per day.
We are honoring our existing SNF patient daily rates of $250.00 once we move to the new campus.